Artificial Intelligence
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Write the 48 laws of power

1. Never Outshine the Master: Avoid doing something that will make your master look bad and appear inferior in front of others. 2. Always Make Those Above You Feel Superior: Find ways to flatter and compliment those on higher levels of the hierarchy. 3. Conceal Your Intentions: Do not be predictable by always revealing your intentions. It is important to act in a manner that does not reveal too much and to keep people guessing. 4. Always Say Less Than Necessary: Being a master of the obvious is important. Refrain from speaking too much and always make sure to keep the upper hand. 5. Court Attention at All Cost: Learn how to win and maintain people’s attention by using charisma and charm. 6. Win Through Your Actions, Not Your Words: Actions speak far louder than words. Always strive to follow through with promises and start making bold moves. 7. Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless: Make your successes appear as though they have come to you with ease. 8. Create an Air of Power and Wisdom: Appear capable of making tough decisions and exercise your authority when necessary. 9. Avail Yourself to Feelings of Superiority and Exclusivity: Make people feel special and important and provide them with a sense of belonging and prestige. 10. Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Keep people in anticipation and fear of the worst. Make sure that everyone knows that you have more power than them. 11. Master the Art of Tension: Learn to maintain and use tension strategically. 12. Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew: Find out what motivates each individual and use that in order to manipulate them. 13. Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker: Become the victim whenever necessary to manipulate people with pity and fear. 14. Wear Your Opponent Down: Consistently place them in a position of making decisions until they surrender. 15. Use Indirect Methods to Launch Organizations: Follow a methodical plan to set up a network of people that will ensure your success. 16. Honor Performance over Promises: Put more stock in results rather than verbal commitment. 17. Disdavow Your Power and Keep People Hopeful: Make sure to remain humble and keep people’s hopes alive. 18. Control the Options: Limit the alternatives to make decisions easier for those who you want to influence. 19. Create a Need and Supply the Solution: Create a need and offer a credible solution. 20. Play on People’s Need to Belong: Capitalize people’s desire to be part of something and make them feel like they belong. 21. Re-Create Yourself: Constantly re-invent yourself to look better in the eyes of your followers. 22. Enter Action with Boldness: Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and take decisive action. 23. Plan All the Way to the End: Always have a strategic plan from the start till the end of your objective. 24. Think As You Like, But Behave Like Others: Strive to combine individualism with conformity in order to blend in. 25. Use Tactical Congestion: Deliberate create situations of confusion to manipulate potential opponents. 26. Identify Enemies Before They Do You Harm: Be prepared of possible attacks by anticipating your adversaries moves. 27. Use Presumptive Compromise: Start negotiations from a winning position by offering terms of compromise that are too good to be refused. 28. Make Others Play Your Game: Bend the rules to your advantage and dictate the terms and conditions of your opponent. 29. Control the Dialogue: Make sure the conversations revolve around the subject matter that serves your interest. 30. Master the Art of Timing: Time is a powerful tool that should be used strategically to achieve objectives. 31. Disdain Things You Cannot Have: Control your emotions and don’t allow yourself to be tempted these feelings. 32. Take Mental Control of Your Emotions: Control your feelings and remain unemotional when it comes to making tough decisions. 33. Concentrate Your Forces: Focus your resources on a singular objective in order to maximize your chances of success. 34. Play Damocles: Make sure to always keep potential opponents and followers in suspense of the worst. 35. Consider Both Benefits And Consequences: Consider all the outcomes of both potential and tactical initiatives. 36. See Events Through: Never give up and maintain consistent efforts. 37. Disarm and Infuriate With the Mirror Effect: Make potential adversaries feel frustrated by exposing their conflicting opinions. 38. Win Through Your Actions, Not Your Words: Take action to reach your goals, instead of simply verbalizing them. 39. Think Big: Have a clear vision of your objectives and strive to reach them. 40. Think, Plan, and Re-Plan: Make use of strategy, foresee possible imperfections, and always have a plan B. 41. Admit No Limitations: Believe in yourself and don’t give up because of external limitations. 42. Leverage the Crane and the Fox: Make use of experience and wisdom, and leverage the cunningness of the fox. 43. Add Value Before Asking for Something: Always provide value before asking for something. 44. Always Leave Room to Adjust Your Position: Make sure you have some room to maneuver in case things don’t go your way. 45. Yield the Final Decision to Others: Make followers believe that every decision is theirs to make. 46. Choose Your Battles Wisely: Know what fights are worth fighting and which ones to avoid. 47. Choose Your Words Wisely: Use the right words in order to professionally deal with people. 48. Live by Reputation: Cultivate a good reputation and make sure to maintain it by living up to expectations.