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coursier</h1> <p> <pre class="snippet"> content-placeholder </pre> </p> <h3>Downloading and extracting</h3> <p> You need to download coursier, preferably from this <a href="">page (the latest release)</a>. Be sure to download a version starting with <c>1.0</c> or higher. If you have Scala 2.12, download a <c>2.12</c> build of coursier, otherwise download a <c>2.11</c> one. </p> <p> Assuming you downloaded the file <c>coursier</c> (resp. <c>coursier.bat</c> for Windows), make it executable (<code>chmod +x coursier</code>) if needed and place it in a directory in <c>PATH</c>. </p> <p> The following has been tested on Linux 64 bits. For other platforms (or when getting missing artifact exception or classes not found errors, see below the usual problems and solutions section.</p> <h3>Running start</h3> <p> In your terminal, enter the command <code>coursier bootstrap -S [option0[,option1...]] [start of dependency] [executable to create]</code>. Where: </p> <ul> <li><code>option</code> can be: <dl> <dt><c>-S</c> : shortcut for declaring extra options</dt> <dd> Some dependency names like <c>sbt-launcher</c> or <c>ivy</c> this option as a shortcut to provide additional urls. For example, with <c>-S org:foo:1</c>, the extra repositories given by <code><a class="reference internal" href="#repositories">repositories</a></code> will be searched for a dependency. </dd> <dt><c>-R</c> : reverse mode</dt> <dd>If present, will run the class passed with the last argument with the remaining classpath (excludes jars before it)</dd> <dt><c>-N</c> : no-update</dt> <dd>If present, disables updating the cache</dd> <dt><c>-V</c> : verbose mode</dt> <dd>Prints a few information messages</dd> <dt><c>-C</c> : cute mode</dt> <dd>Largely copied from the <c>haskell</c> packaging <c>cabal-install</c> tool, this provides only colorized output, with a maximum amount of colors shown per line (when <c>cat</c> is present at the <c>$TERM</c> will fallback to no coloring)</dd> <dt><c>-J</c> : the <c>jdk</c> to use</dt> <dd>Default: the running jvm</dd> <dt><c>NOTSET</c> : set to <c>FALSE</c> by default for trailing snapshot versions</dt> <dd>Snapshot versions are assumed to change between versions each time. This option will keep all dependencies with -SNAPSHOT in their version number</dd> </dd> </dl> </li> <li><code>start of dependency</code>: something like <c>org:foo:version</c>, a maven style description. First, coursier is run with a series of options. No options are given, this first argument is considered the main class to run. Otherwise, it will try to find a class implementation for any of the options passed. In this latter case, the search is made along in the local maven or ivy cache to avoid making unnecessary network lookup. The remote cache is checked last. This basically allows running commands on the cache itself without network access.</li> <li><code>executable to create</code> : by default "coursier-launcher", set it to "scala" for integrations with scala or "-jar ZZclass" to launch a jar.</li> </ul> <h3>When making a (cached) -S</h3> <p> If for example you want to publish sbt, a jar containing this class (as the only one in the jar)</p> <pre> Europe/Paris│ mvn fr.janalyse:pssh:0.0.4:jar </pre> <p> with </p> <pre class="snippet"> start coursier:coursier </pre> <pre> fr.janalyse:pssh:0.0.4 </pre> <pre> Europe/Paris│ coursier bootstrap -S org.scala-tools.sbt:sbt-launcher:0.7.6-SNAPSHOT </pre> <p> The dependency is only fetched to the cache only once, in another terminal: first a slow first lookup to get 44kB and then directly reading the cached data. Then in the main shell session the fast run: (2ms x2 later it already depends on the snapshot date of teh dependency) </p> <pre> coursier-fetch: downloading ... Downloading: Press any key to continue LANG=C_ time coursier bootstrap -S org.scala-tools.sbt:sbt-launcher:0.7.6-SNAPSHOT | wc -l 0 0 0 8.56s real 0m0.12s user 0m0.08s system time coursier bootstrap -S org.scala-tools.sbt:sbt-launcher:0.7.6-SNAPSHOT | wc -l 0 0 0 17.94s real 0m0.12s user 0m0.07s system </pre> <td> You can replace the maven description by a scala or ivy one (with "fr.janalyse::pssh:0.0.3-RC / fr.janalyse") Prevent to use _SNAPSHOT in your version number but SNAPSHOT (to exclude fetching SNAPSHOT but fetch the same number without SNAPSHOT. </td> <pre> Europe/Paris│ coursier bootstrap net.alchim31.wild-packages} </pre> <h3>Toubleshooting &amp; usual problems</h3> <dl> <dt>Filing a bug report</dt><dd>You would reallyease PLS sometihng is worng!!" not clear enough. Reproducing the problem with a simple casen as simple as possible and opening an issue including the chan commands.sin a bug report with latest coursier installed running my-app [error] (run-main-0) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/twitter/conversions/storage [error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/twitter/conversions/storage [error] at com.twitter.util.StorageUnit$.parse(StorageUnit.scala:54) [error] at com.twitter.finagle.util.LoadService$$anonfun$suffix$1.apply(LoadService.scala:34) [error] at com.twitter.finagle.util.LoadService$$anonfun$suffix$1.apply(LoadService.scala:33) [error] at [...] [JGC late hello]") console for rep.Producetrans] 1 [2, 3 [SQL [ERROR] !=  console.error("not in publish ZFIN jj deadline?"); console.error(".wait ZFIN jj no need"Async send"); ZFIN jj no access the package, resync 2. Getting started! 4]found out that there is a javax packages, repocut log.f it aster [hson notenable snipsième usage easily. parser.printToString stills to unwrap it e] parseeq error3.1 It si removed object! -> waitfor remov