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what is a random module in python? Write and define all its different models

A random module in Python is a built-in library that provides functions for generating pseudo-random numbers, shuffling sequences, and making random choices. It allows for creating unpredictable and non-repeating sequences of numbers or values, which is useful for a wide range of applications such as simulations, games, and cryptography. The random module in Python has several different models, including: 1. random.random() This model generates a random floating-point number between 0 and 1. It takes no input parameters. 2. random.uniform() This model generates a random floating-point number within a specified range. It takes in two parameters: a minimum value and a maximum value. 3. random.randint() This model generates a random integer within a specified range, including the endpoints. It takes in two parameters: a minimum value and a maximum value. 4. random.randrange() This model generates a random integer within a specified range, excluding the endpoint. It takes in two parameters: a start value and a stop value. 5. random.choice() This model returns a random element from a given sequence, which can be a list, tuple, or string. 6. random.shuffle() This model shuffles a given sequence in-place, randomly reordering its elements. It takes in one parameter: the sequence to be shuffled. 7. random.sample() This model returns a specified number of elements chosen randomly from a given sequence without replacement. It takes in two parameters: the sequence and the number of elements to retrieve. 8. random.seed() This model sets the seed value for the random number generator, ensuring that the same random numbers are generated each time the code is run. 9. random.getstate() and random.setstate() These models allow for saving and restoring the internal state of the random number generator, which can be useful for replicating results or generating multiple independent random streams. 10. random.randomrange() This model is similar to random.randrange() but returns a floating-point number within the specified range. 11. random.triangular() This model generates a random floating-point number within a specified range with a triangular distribution, where values near the midpoint are more likely to occur. In summary, the random module in Python provides a wide range of functions for generating random values and sequences, which can be used for various purposes.