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Study of steps to protect your personal computer system by creating User Accounts with Passwords

1. Create a strong password: A strong password consists of a combination of at least eight letters, numbers and symbols. Avoid words that are easily guessed, like common names or words found in the dictionary. Consider using a passphrase, which includes multiple words, instead. 2. Enable two-factor authentication: Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security to your accounts and requires both a password and a secondary code (e.g., sent via email or text). 3. Update the operating system: Your computer system must be updated with the latest security patches and updates from the operating system provider. Check for updates regularly and install them promptly to keep your system secure. 4. Install security software: Install a reliable anti-virus program to detect, prevent and remove malicious software. Ensure that the program is set to run regular scans. 5. Monitor suspicious activity: Monitor your computer for any suspicious activity, such as pop-up ads or messages from unknown sources. Immediately take action if any of these signs appear. 6. Restrict user access: Restrict user access to only those who need it. Create separate accounts for each user with individual passwords and permissions levels. 7. Back up data: Regularly back up your data to a secure location. This will ensure that your information is safe in the event of a system crash or attack. 8. Secure the Wi-Fi network: Use encryption tools to secure your home Wi-Fi network. This will protect your data from being intercepted. 9. Ensure physical security: Protect your computer system from unauthorized access. Lock the computer when not in use and store the device in a secure location.