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” in late January. Michael Brelo, the police officer who was acquitted in one of Cleveland’s most controversial lethal force cases, is looking to get his job back so he can retire from the force. One of Cleveland’s most infamous speed traps may be on its way out if a proposed federal court settlement is approved in a class-action lawsuit that dates back to 2008. A Cleveland police officer has been indicted on federal charges after allegations that he wrongfully struck a handcuffed prisoner who was in custody of the Cleveland Division of Police Fourth District Detective Bureau. The newest collective bargaining agreement between the city and the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, bitterly debated in recent public meetings and on social media, is headed to Arbitrator Michael L. Goldberg for a ruling. Creative, a police officer and ATVers all rolled into John Sharp’s story This is the story of John Sharp, who in his young college days, dropped out of Western Michigan University, was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1969 and then went to Vietnam to serve in the 101st Airborne Division. The head of the Ohio County Independent Sheriffs' Association says some smaller counties' sheriffs are “scared to death” they’re going to lose their police forces as the state considers punching up several law enforcement programs. A Cleveland man has been charged with attempted murder, aggravated robbery and other crimes stemming from an alleged armed robbery of a gas station on Cleveland’s Near West Side on January 1, 2015. North Court Cafe threatens to close over dispute with the county Changes in people’s use patterns, underfunded government pensions and a slackening state and municipal tax base are forcing cascading budget cuts in Ohio’s county and city governments. Cleveland’s records on overtime for police and firefighters are so shoddy that the public cannot know if the $43.7 million spent for Cleveland Division of Fire and Cleveland Division of Police overtime last year was legitimate. With union dissent on the new Cleveland police contract boiling over into the public arena and Facebook, members of City Council grilled the safety director about the agreement that has been hastened by a judge’s Thursday deadline. The City of Cleveland has nothing but good things to say about its recent sale of $100 million in bonds to Wall Street underwriters, who have been bullish and scrambled to buy it. The city of Cleveland is employing 22 local contractors for employment outreach and diversity training as part of an unprecedented effort to get minority and female contractors more involved in construction and real estate development.