Artificial Intelligence
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List active ds2play

1 17 unset ds2play1[ActiveDS2Names] Slide fteprompt "Enter a name for new media server" readAnswer newServerName echo while [[ " ${ds2play1[ActiveDS2Names]} " =~ " ${newServerName} " ]]; do fteprompt "There is already a media server with this name, enter another one (or enter to cancel)" readAnswer newServerName if [[ -z "$newServerName" ]]; then ibosh return return fi echo done current=1 if ibosh gameserver "$newServerName"; then operationsInGameserverMenu mode new current=0 fi read -ra DS2ServerArgs <<<"$(cat ../../DS2start/defaultDs2Args.txt)" function checkBox { #parameters: # $1 - index of DS2ServerArgs element # $2 - variable to write to # $3 - checked/not-checked if [[ "${DS2ServerArgs[$1]}" == "Y" ]]; then $2="$3" else $2="not-$3" fi } function fixParameters { #remove commands that start with: unset additionalCommands declare -a additionalCommands for command in "${DS2ServerArgs[@]}"; do if [[ ! ("$command" =~ ^-D ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-U ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-B ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-M ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-R ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-S ) && (! "$command" =~ ^-F )]]; then additionalCommands+=("$command") else #echo "$command is wrong" #sleep 2 #ibosh printLine "In confirmation NS1, error: Wrong input key $command" #sleep 2 echo nagger fi done } function NetArgs { readAnswer ServerPort echo readAnswer maxPlayers echo readAnswer remoteBacklog echo readAnswer protocolType willBeUsedTCP echo readAnswer netUseAuto passing echo readAnswer netAutoPort echo checkBox 3 willLockRemote "-Locked" checkBox 4 slowPickAllow slowPickAllow "Slow" checkBox 4 slowAutoAuto slowAutoAuto "Auto" checkBox 4 slowFavorAuto slowFavorAuto "Favor" checkBox 5 chatDisable chatDisable "Disable" readAnswer gameBranch # 6 checkBox 8 trapBadNetworking trapBadNetworking "BadNetworking" checkBox 9 netSearchEnable "-Searchable" checkBox 10 gameFunType "-Hide" #skip a generation "Game is Hidden" and "private Game" - from Timofeep checkBox 10 gameFunType "-Private" readAnswer GameName # 11 echo readAnswer passwordNeeded # 12 echo readAnswer password echo } function NetArgsSlower { fteprompt "Enter server port" readAnswer ServerPort echo fteprompt "Enter maximum players" readAnswer maxPlayers echo fteprompt "Enter maximum backlog for remote connection" readAnswer remoteBacklog echo fteprompt "Enter protocol type (e.g., UDP)" readAnswer protocolType echo fteprompt "Is network type auto-passing?" readAnswer passing echo fteprompt "Enter auto-passing port" readAnswer netAutoPort echo fteprompt "Will remote clients be locked?" readAnswer willLockRemote echo fteprompt "Allow application to use slow picking" readAnswer panel echo checkBox 0 panel slowPickAllow "Slow" checkBox 0 panel slowAutoAuto slowAutoAuto "Auto" checkBox 0 panel slowFavorAuto slowFavorAuto "Favor" checkBox 1 panel gameFun "Disable slow picking" fteprompt "Pick your game branch" readAnswer gameBranch echo fteprompt "Allow apps to search for network" readAnswer netSearchEnable echo fteprompt "Which type of game is this?" readAnswer gameFunType echo checkBox 3 panel gameFunType "-Hide" checkBox 3 panel gameFunType "-Private" fteprompt "Name your game" readAnswer GameName echo fteprompt "Will game require password?" readAnswer passwordNeeded echo readAnswer password } function ViewFar { checkBox 10 showMonsterTraps "Monsters View" checkBox 10 showFarTraps "Traps View" checkBox 10 showUnseen "Hide Unseen" } function AdjustableFar { echo fteprompt "How far back should unexplored shades recede?" readAnswer unexploredShadesBack echo fteprompt "And how solid should they be?" readAnswer solidness echo fteprompt "How much should you see of ceilings and floors?" readAnswer viewUD echo fteprompt "How much should you see of walls?" readAnswer viewLR } function line { str= untill=$1 shift while [[ $untill -ne 0 ]]; do untill=$untill-1 if [[ $untill -eq 0 ]]; then str="$1" else str="$str $1" fi shift done echo $str } function Compact { #parameters # $1 - which arg is last let curgen=1 let size=0 while [[ $curgen -le $1 ]]; do let curgen=$curgen+1 let size=$size+${#DS2ServerArgs[$1]} done echo "${DS2ServerArgs[$1]}" shift shift while [[ ! (${#FTEMapArgs[@]} -ge 1) ]]; do echo rest=$(line ${#FTEMapArgs[@]} "${FTEMapArgs[@]}") echo echo "+ $rest" done } function FarArgs { echo checkBox 2 overrideSeek "Seek items faster" echo fteprompt "Will this map be larger than usual?" readAnswer mapLarge echo option view far wall option view far roof fteprompt "Will you allow vultures to view map?" readAnswer view echo fteprompt "What level of far code do you want?" readAnswer code echo checkBox 11 farGrow "Make far grow" checkBox 11 highDetailPhysics "Use high detailed physics" checkBox 11 syntaxHighLight "Syntax highlight" checkBox 11 loading "Show backgroud color on loading dir, and other dirs as well? (Loading and using graphics)" checkBox 11 hudUpdateSomewhere "Release special hud update to weybow?" } function Transparency { readAnswer transparency echo let rest=${#FTEMapArgs[@]} while [[ $rest -ne 0 ]]; do let rest=$rest-1 checkBox $rest FTEMapArgs[$rest] "-vgui" done } function debugImp { echo fteprompt "Show errors?" readAnswer errors echo fteprompt "Why are there no direct coords?" readAnswer coords echo fteprompt "Show blip on ramp?" readAnswer blip echo fteprompt "Make debug regions visible?" readAnswer dbg_reg echo fteprompt "Make debugging materials visible?" readAnswer dbg_mat echo } echo fteprompt "Enter any additional command-line arguments - not extended - that need to go in while the application starts" echo "(e.g., +cl_runvar [time variable] value):Or "Maneuver left" "What the hell!?" "+password (2) Pass)"; (don't use spaces)" readAnswer additionalCommands echo while (($current -lt ${#DS2ServerArgs[@]})); do if [[ "$current" == "0" ]]; then checkBox 0 dbpassEnable "Use Encrypted Password (-pass)" readAnswer GameType elif [[ "$current" == "1" ]]; then fteprompt "Is it OK to use saved coordinates?" checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set0 "Use saved coordinates?" "-use coordinates from last game" readAnswer NGcoords if ibosh yes "$NGcoords"; then checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set0 "not-OK" "-do not use last game" fi else echo echo " [ ${DS2ServerArgs[$current]} ] " echo ((current++)) continue elif [[ "$current" == "2" ]]; then fteprompt "Do you want to use the server previously acquired data?" checkBox 2 shpower "Use server's data - thats - not ctfs, right?" readAnswer Use_Mem if ibosh no "$Use_Mem"; then checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 "-use cache" fi #items from code 0 are thrown away externally checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 USE[0] "-gold" checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 USE[0]+CTF "-ctfs" readAnswer IntPut checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 $IntPut "-make server save CTFS and save items as well" #get VE[3] checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 $VE[3] "-items in the map" checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 $VE[3]+Friend "-burger king" checkBox 1 Ult_Check+set1 $VE[3]+Commando "-burgers" elif [[ "$current" == "3" ]]; then format="-format native" format="not-$format" fi ((current++)) done fteprompt "Enter a command line argument to use this time" echo "(32 characters maximum)" temp=0 proper="No"; vgui="no"; error="no" prevTemp=$temp prevProp=$proper if [[ $DS2ServerArgs == *"+secret"* ]]; then gamepass="a-valid-g " correctpass="69" dochostname="nameofthem " #48 characters else if [[ $DS2ServerArgs != *"+noinstr "* ]]; then setist="-secret Kia doctorjeff992 ini=uri if you log" else setist="$" #error fi fi while44=0 while [[ "$temp" -lt 50 && "$correctpass" != [0-9] && $dochostname != [0-9] ]]; do if [[ "$proper" != "$prevProp" ]] then fteprompt "Proper tour password?" readAnswer proper echo else fteprompt "Is the password correct?" readAnswer correctpass echo fi if [[ "$proper" != "T" && "$proper" != "N" ]]; then fteprompt echo fteprompt "Enter a guest hostname" readAnswer dochostname escaped="${dochostname//:[[:digit:]]\\}}" escaped="${escaped//^\\D+(?=[[:digit:]])/}" formatted="${escaped// /$}startswith:{" #continue went=continue fi temp=$temp+1 done echo fteprompt "Do you plan to make changes to the server currently in progress? (e.g., make 2 new games not out of this one)" echo "(e.g., a big schedule change): Or "+info 〉§color ⊠⊡⊔" readAnswer change if [[ "$change" == "+info" ]]; then echo echo ibosh one-line-color "Which type of hours?" echo echo ibosh one-line-blob "1. One of the new games to Change the new ADD_SIP_HOME!" ibosh--singleton echo echo ibosh one-line-circle "2. Make the changes instead of creating new games and deleting any existing ones" ibosh--array echo read Answer if ibosh choose 1 "$Answer"; then "true" echo echo echo "There are 15 change hours" echo echo "Choose to change the first 3" echo echo ibosh one-line "Enter a time, or if you want the server to be renewed" else echo echo echo "Enter the type of hours you need." ibosh array-circle str Circle setup instead choice? ibosh-sudoco ibosh choose str Str circle circle change "EndTime" array-circle ibosh-array circle choose "true" clear break fi fi echo fteprompt "Enter choices that need to be made about your server:" echo "simplify Troubleshooting (inspecterror Checking)" echo while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do readAnswer text echo out=$(./shell-ds output-json ../operation