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find me the rarest search engines

1. MillionShort - This search engine removes the top million most popular websites from its search results, allowing users to discover lesser-known or niche websites. 2. Yippy - Yippy is a privacy-focused search engine that claims to have its own algorithm for filtering out spam and irrelevant results. 3. NotEvil - This is a search engine specifically for the dark web, providing access to parts of the internet that are not indexed by traditional search engines. 4. Kartoo - This visual search engine displays results in a map-like format, making it easier to explore related topics and discover new websites. 5. DeeperWeb - DeeperWeb uses advanced semantic technology to provide more relevant and comprehensive search results, including related topics and concepts. 6. Boardreader - This search engine specializes in searching and organizing user-generated content, such as discussion forums and message boards. 7. Monstercrawler - Monstercrawler claims to be the largest cross-platform meta search engine, combining results from multiple sources including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. 8. InfoSpace - InfoSpace offers a unique search experience by allowing users to search multiple categories at once, including web, images, video, and news. 9. Gibiru - This privacy-focused search engine claims to provide uncensored and unbiased search results, with a focus on user privacy. 10. Dogpile - Dogpile is a meta search engine that compiles results from multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to provide a more comprehensive list of results.