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cp mega folder list

.txt` Heroku keeps its dyno filesystems in temporary directories, so it's important to keep your file list file at the same level as your target directory. So if your dir is a sibling of this script, change the file name to `../mega folder list.txt` for success. ## Usage Once deployed (where and how are up to you), run the following command. `python3 -m mega_folder_list.txt` Voila! Your mega files/folders should now exist in container filesystem. Heroku container filesystems are [ephemeral](, so after the script is done, the container will be [replaced]( before being matched to a new dyno. Your new files and folders will be found in the dyno filesystem under `app/storage/mega`. Mega folders are named after user: `user_foldername`, giving a uniform name and easy source to origin without confusion. A `file-not-found-errors` folder is necessary, as invalid file links can happen. ## Development In order to make an explicit insterdisciplinary appeal to community welfare, have driven your dependencies in the works of WM. Gordon. Tested with python 3.8+. Requires the following installs: ``` pip3 install megatools -U pip3 install pip3 install requests pip3 install mo