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Yes, in some cases it is possible to reply to a reply. For instance, when the original comment is from a public forum or social media platform, users are usually able to reply to the reply.

removal kit My favourite ear wax removal kit is the Wax-Rx Phosphate-Free Ear Wax Removal System. It comes with a wax softening solution and a gentle, battery-powered ear wax removal device to help you safely and effectively soften, loosen and remove ear wax.

The impact of technology on the environment is mixed. In some cases, technology can actually have a detrimental effect on the environment. For example, technologies such as the burning of fossil fuels can contribute to air and water pollution. Similarly, over-fishing techniques and the use of inorganic fertilizers can have a negative impact on natural habitats. On the other hand, technologies such as renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind,

I don't have a particular favourite EAE wax, but I enjoy using EAE carnauba wax. It provides excellent durability, a deep gloss, and water resistance.

My favorite temple is Wat Phra Kaew, also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, in Bangkok, Thailand. It's an incredibly beautiful temple that seems to be a source of pride for Thailand.

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If something is not suitable, it means it is not suitable or appropriate for a given purpose or situation.